CuBeat is coming to the Indie Game Area of Tokyo Game Show again! We'll be showing the game on 9/20-21 (Sat/Sun), at booth number 3-C1-64 (which is just Indie Game Area's booth 64).
We are giving away postcards, character cards, and also free Beta/Preview version of the game for you to download
& try out at home. If you come to our booth, that is. :)
BitSummit 2014 was superb! There were many players
trying out CuBeat, including ZUN, the creator of Touhou
Events & conventions we showed up
2013.9.21-22【Tokyo Game Show】
TGS 2013 was the first time we ever showed the game to the
public since we "reignited" the development of it. Please
check out the details about the show [Here]. (It's all written
in Traditional Chinese, but still plenty of pictures to look at,
so you get the idea of TGS 2013 Indie Games Area)
2013.10.3【Indie Cade】
We also went to IndieCade 2013 and participated in the
IndieXchange event. Here are some pictures from the Game Tasting
2013.12.21【Bahamut 17th anuual convention】
And we just finished showing's 17th anuual convention alongside with other indie developers in
Taiwan. They are the biggest gaming news site in Taiwan, and we
really appreciate that they are willing to help us out.
We really got a lot of useful feedbacks, either being told or
through observation, and gained experiences from these events.
More importantly, just by seeing a few random players that
simply showed up and said they played it and really liked the
game, we really felt boosted and encouraged. So we are still
working on CuBeat. Because of these feedbacks and things we
learned along the way, the release has to be postponed, even
though we've had the feeling that we were working on this on and
off, and got sick of it sometimes, that we really should rush it
out, we have to delay it.
Hopefully we can get CuBeat out in the wild around early-2014,
and hope you will like it when we release it!
(Post in 2013.12.22)
CuBeat in 2013 Tokyo Game Show !
"CuBeat" will be showed at the Indie Game Area of Tokyo Game
Show 2013!
We'll be showing on Sep. 21 (Sat.) and 22 (Sun.), and the
booth name is "Team PSC", at 9-C17. It's located in Hall 9 (not
the usual Hall 1~8) with the Family Corner and the cosplay area,
please make sure you visit the right place. :)
We have many gifts prepared for you if you visit us at
Tokyo Game Show!
「Postcard」(Take free)
「Pin badge」(Present after play)
「Animation character cards」(Present after play)
Unfortunately these are limited. :) We are looking
forward to meeting you at the show, and hope you like CuBeat!